Over indulge Super Bowl weekend?
Feeling guilty for the sweet treats you consumed this weekend?
Perhaps you made a commitment to go the whole month of January with no booze & no sugars? And you were so happy you stuck to the commitment that you celebrated HARD this past weekend?
Totally get it. Same.
Instead of going on a 10 day juice cleanse, starving & being a hangry monster, I simply "crowd out" the toxins (bad foods/beverages/moral decisions) with real wholesome foods that not only aid in crowding out the bad, but aid in my digestion, mental clarity & boost my metabolism.
Because of digestive issues (yeast/bad bacteria overgrowth in my gut), I stick to a low carb lifestyle. The least amount of sugars entering your body, the better your belly will feel: little to no bloat! Whoohoo!
Sugar feeds cancer & these yeasts/bad bacteria, so I eat as low carb as possible-which means I eat a lot of vegetables! They're low calorie AND low...
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