Over indulge Super Bowl weekend?
Feeling guilty for the sweet treats you consumed this weekend?
Perhaps you made a commitment to go the whole month of January with no booze & no sugars? And you were so happy you stuck to the commitment that you celebrated HARD this past weekend?
Totally get it. Same.
Instead of going on a 10 day juice cleanse, starving & being a hangry monster, I simply "crowd out" the toxins (bad foods/beverages/moral decisions) with real wholesome foods that not only aid in crowding out the bad, but aid in my digestion, mental clarity & boost my metabolism.
Because of digestive issues (yeast/bad bacteria overgrowth in my gut), I stick to a low carb lifestyle. The least amount of sugars entering your body, the better your belly will feel: little to no bloat! Whoohoo!
Sugar feeds cancer & these yeasts/bad bacteria, so I eat as low carb as possible-which means I eat a lot of vegetables! They're low calorie AND low carb. (dark leafy greens in particular- which happen to be the most nutrient dense too).
To help me eat in balance, I use the nutrition guides & colored container system from Beachbody. These tools helped me lose 17lbs and have been a staple in my life for 3 years now. I share this because balance is key to everything; and when we are eating in balance, we show up in our career & our relationships because we are feeling our best.
Here's a low carb recipe I made the other day! Sooo yummy!
(oh and I don't particularly measure, I eyeball a lot of this)
* organic beef bone broth (1/4-1/2 cup)
* organic unsweetened coconut milk beverage (1/4 cup)
* pre-baked spaghetti squash (1+ cup)
* 1 medium sized organic zucchini (diced)
* 1-2 tbsp diced red onion
* 1/4 cup organic Cannellini beans (rinsed)
* 1/4 cup organic black beans (rinsed)
* sprig of parsley (cilantro would be better!!)
* 1/4-1/2 avocado sliced
* sprinkle of Himalayan pink salt, garlic powder, dulse seasoning (yes sea plants), a tiny bit of cayenne pepper & red chili powder. (I don't use much cayenne because I personally can't handle much heat/spice in my foods, but you do you!)
Saute all ingredients in a pan on medium heat for about 10 minutes letting the food soak in the bone broth (extra nutrients).
ps. remember you've already baked the spaghetti squash, so all you're doing is scraping the "meat" of the squash out -which will look like strands of spaghetti (if you've never had it.
That's really it!
Love Always,
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