How to Make Extra Money

Mar 06, 2019

Hey Girl Hey!!

You want to make some extra money?
I know I always did, guess that's why I got burnt out a couple of years ago; I was ready for something that actually lit a fire under my ass.
Ya feel me? 

Well then, how does one make extra money?  
Well that's easy... sell something. 
Meh...that sounds daunting. Let's rephrase that.
How does one make extra money without hustling?
Without feeling exhausted?
Without burnout & just giving up?

The first step is asking yourself:
"Who do I want to Be?"

When you declare this, then all actions you take must be aligned with who you want to become.  Doing this sends that positive signal to the Universe; she listens, she provides you with a abundance. 

There are times you will be challenged, and times you will be challenged to the point of defeat. At that time, you may at first think "why is this happening TO me?" but as you become more aligned, and you shift your thoughts, you will start to ask "why is this happening...

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Low Carb Chili Recipe

Feb 05, 2019

Over indulge Super Bowl weekend? 
Feeling guilty for the sweet treats you consumed this weekend? 
Perhaps you made a commitment to go the whole month of January with no booze & no sugars?  And you were so happy you stuck to the commitment that you celebrated HARD this past weekend? 
Totally get it. Same. 

Instead of going on a 10 day juice cleanse, starving & being a hangry monster, I simply "crowd out" the toxins (bad foods/beverages/moral decisions) with real wholesome foods that not only aid in crowding out the bad, but aid in my digestion, mental clarity & boost my metabolism

Because of digestive issues (yeast/bad bacteria overgrowth in my gut), I stick to a low carb lifestyle. The least amount of sugars entering your body, the better your belly will feel: little to no bloat! Whoohoo! 

Sugar feeds cancer & these yeasts/bad bacteria, so I eat as low carb as possible-which means I eat a lot of vegetables! They're low calorie AND low...

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