What was the scariest thing you've done?
How did it make you feel?
Were you excited? or 'poop your pants' frightened?
In July of 2017, I decided to resign from a 9-5 sales job. Insert a "WTF" moment. It was by far the scariest, yet most exciting time of my life. I was actually listening to my freaking soul!
Honestly, I should have left that job years before but I was comfortable & content. I never had work to do outside of work. I grew a network of friends. Seems easy right? Well, since college, I've always had this "hustler" mentality; always loved making more money, "fun money". Why didn't I just get another full time job that paid more? Hm... that's a good question.
The reason: I didn't know what I wanted to do, so leaving the sales job to go train for another big corp position did not seem too appealing for me; especially when I was trying to run a side health coaching business as well.
The thoughts: "If I quit this job, and start working for another company; the training is going to take away from my coaching, or teaching spin, or Lord knows what else... " ...."furthermore, the job itself may be super demanding and I won't have time to dive into health coaching..."
Well, if my thoughts kept routing back to health coaching, then why on earth would I try to do anything BUT health coaching?! I was lost. I was stuck. I didn't know what I even liked to do for fun...so how could I figure out what type of career I even wanted to be a part of?
In 2016, I was hired on as a Trainer for Skyfit, now Aaptiv. Creating workouts for stairclimber, treadmill, elliptical, indoor cycling, as well as outdoor walks & jogs and last but not least (and honestly one of my favorites)- strength training; as well as curating playlists to compliment each workout, became my "side job". Little did I know that this venture would be the motive behind me leaving the 9-5 space.
Over the last 2 years, I would receive messages from individuals from all over the world who were taking my classes on the app, sharing everything from a sweaty selfie to their reason "why" they get up every morning. Profound is an understatement. These messages brought smiles, and sometimes tears, to my face. A spark was being lit inside of me. My soul was being fulfilled.
The thought of not pursuing a full time career in health coaching was absurd. Why would I continue working for a company that did not truly bring joy & fulfillment to my life? I had to make a move. I was being called for something much bigger.
Was it scary to have that "I'm leaving" conversation with my boss?
Was it frightening? Intimidating? Stressful? Was I nervous? Did my heartbeat go through the roof? Abso-freakin-lutely! But it was also the most exciting, exhilarating, stress-relieving day of my life. I was actually doing something for ME! Listening to my heart; knowing I had bigger shoes to fill.... best. decision.ever.
Now... hold up. You're probably thinking, "Oh well that's great for you because you were already health coaching, and you knew exactly what to do once you quit...." Not quite. Actually, not at all. I didn't know what the heck I was about to do.
I had very little training on how to run a business; 1 marketing course in college & 1 website course. I graduated with a degree in Fashion Merchandising...and then 7 years later obtained my certification in health coaching (which again was only like 1 course in business....).
Of course I knew what I was speaking about health wise, but actually putting solid programs together -- wasn't really my forte.
I lived off of my savings for about 6 months (in addition to income from Aaptiv at the time).
Earlier this year, I found Angie Lee. She is a 7-figure marketing genius & motivational speaker after being a health coach herself for years. Her podcasts & Instagram story is what spoke to my soul. I began listening to her podcasts on how to market yourself as an entrepreneur; how to speak to your ideal client, letting go of fear, taking action, being authentically you...
This was the beginning of the rest of my life.
I made an investment in myself when I signed up for her 4 month mastermind program. Growth, expansion, elevation. My life was changing; I was reading more on personal development & knew there was another spark being lit inside of me.
Because of Angie's program, I've been able to help multiple women feel better and understand that health is not just about nutrition and exercise; that it's the lifestyle factors that truly affect our health.
I've launched 3 successful programs since finishing up Angie's course. I've even made back my investment. Money is just an exchange of energy.
This question has stuck with me since April:
"Why would anyone make an investment in You, if you're not making an investment in yourself?"
Fast forward to today, after Angie's course, I knew I needed additional support so I made yet another investment -I hired a coach to work 1:1 with me as I make the transition from Health Coach to Business Coach. Erin Nicole Porter is the ultimate boss babe, beautiful manifesting soul, and my west coast twin! She's truly elevated Me & my business exponentially. Now I'm here to elevate You!
Health is and will always be included in my programs. To be successful, we need to be happy; to be happy, we need to be healthy. period.
Of course I could YouTube the hell out of free marketing videos but FREE doesn't give you accountability and free definitely doesn't excel you in life. Of course I'm grateful for free services/products, but in the end... there's always an exchange of money. So, why not just make the investment in a badass business mentor who can take you from Zero to HERO real freakin quick?!
I've been working with the best of the best in the industry; coaches who have worked with Tony Robbins for Pete's sake!
My spark has been ignited and I'm ready to take you with Me!
This story of mine; THIS is my purpose, this is my passion. It's taken a year for me to find myself; to develop 10x as a human being, to know my self worth, to understand that my mission in life is to serve others -to create opportunity for individuals like yourself. We ALL are here to THRIVE & FEEL ALIVE!
2019 begins now.... I'll be sharing in much more detail the shifts that happened to me over the last year in my program Level Up + Lift Off. This is a 3 day series, launching tomorrow, Tuesday December 18th.
Are you ready to Level Up + Lift Off!?!🌟
To access this 3 day series, request access via link:
Thank you for being a part of my life!
Love you all so so much & cannot wait to continue the celebrations into 2019!!
"Become a Better You, ChaseLife!
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